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Wednesday open thread: Who is the Lions’ most important player on defense right now?

Related Topics: Detroit Lions, Alex Anzalone

Saturday was ugly, but a loss is a humbling thing for any team. It’s easy to lose sight of fundamentals when you go on a hot streak like the Detroit Lions did, and they most definitely lost sight of the fundamentals. Tackling was few and far between Sunday for the Lions defense, as they look out of place top to bottom and start to (almost) finish. With so many players struggling, it brings us to today’s question of the day.

Question of the day: Who is the Lions’ most important player on defense right now?

One of the upsides of this defense is that it truly is a team operation—it doesn’t start and end with any one player, and that has allowed the Lions to rotate in guys and maintain a next-man-up mentality through injuries this season.