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Saturday Open Thread: Who will be the SCARIEST player for the Lions in 2019?

In years past, the Fourth of July was synonymous with a huge blockbuster movie hitting the big screen. From Will Smith in Independence Day to Tobey Maguire in Spider-Man, it was time to head to local theater and enjoy 2 hours of action, excitement and overpriced butter with a hint popcorn.

This year’s entertainment choice gave us a strong at-home option with Netflix’s “Stranger Things.” The sci-fi alien series with a flare for nostalgia uses all the exploits to creep you out and make you long for the “good ole days”. In honor of the hit TV Show we look to see which player on the Lions will give opposing teams nightmares similar to that of a Demogorgan (Google what that is if you don’t know, but make sure to do it when it’s light outside).