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Meet 'The Three Amigos' -- a.k.a. the Detroit Lions starting cornerbacks

ALLEN PARK, Mich. -- The phrase came barreling out of Darius Slay's mouth this summer, almost like a stream-of-consciousness thing that so often happens with the Detroit Lions cornerback.

He was describing his relationship with cornerbacks Nevin Lawson and Quandre Diggs, and in doing so he kind of game them a nickname.

“We a young group, man,” Slay said. “We just be chillin’, hangin’ with each other. The veteran guys, they hang with each other. Me, Quandre and Nevo, we The Three Amigos.

“We The Three Amigos.”

And depending on how the Lions play this year, that moniker has a chance to stick -- even if Lawson said the first time he heard it was when a reporter asked him about it.