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Denver Nuggets’ Paul Millsap on Return: Team chemistry a significant advantage

Paul Millsap’s veteran leadership was a crucial part of the Nuggets’ impressive 54-win season in the 2018-19 campaign. With his future on the team now secured after the organization picked up his option for the 2019-20 season, the 34-year-old power forward is already looking ahead to what he believes will be a big year for the Nuggets.

“Man, can’t wait to get back out there. It’s going to be a great year for us. We’re going to keep working, hopefully, we’ll get that championship,” Millsap told Atlanta sports personality JR Sports Brief.

READ MORE: Nuggets pick up Millsap's option

Despite several teams in the Western Conference making blockbuster trades and adding All-Star players through free agency, Millsap believes the Nuggets will remain contenders due to the team’s chemistry and the young core improving with experience.