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Skip the tailgates and hit these restaurants, bars and breweries around Mile High Stadium instead

Tailgating at a Denver Broncos game can be an awesome experience with the right friends and in the right location, but if you’re not in the mood for the mayhem — or if you don’t know anyone with a parking space and an orange and blue smoker — then you might want to think about grabbing some pre- or post-game food and beverages at one of the great spots located within a quarter mile in all directions of Mile High, from Jefferson Park to Sunnyside and Sloan’s Lake.

Here are some suggestions:

Eder Yau00f1ez-Mota cooks in the kitchen as server Viviana Rueda covers the room at Chili Verde.
Eder Yañez-Mota cooks in the kitchen as server Viviana Rueda covers the room at Chili Verde.