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Frei: Play is the thing for ex-player Mike Boryla

Mike Boryla is the second-most-famous former Stanford quarterback in Denver.

On Sunday, Boryla was triumphant, perhaps as much as he was during any of his 18 starts with the Philadelphia Eagles from 1974-76, or when he threw two touchdown passes for the NFC in the January 1977 Pro Bowl. Within two years, because of injuries and his diminishing interest in the game, he was out of the league, moving on to careers as a tax attorney and a mortgage banker before getting into writing.

After coming back to the project off and on for months, the 64-year-old Castle Rock resident — and the winner of The Denver Post's 1968 Gold Helmet Award while at Regis High School — Sunday morning finished a screenplay treatment for "The Clone of Jesus of Nazareth," combining material from three of his plays into one 40-page summary for a potential film project.