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Clarity on important third safety spot likely months away for Broncos


A question that won’t be answered for a few months, but is relevant during organized team activities: Who the heck is the Broncos’ third safety?

Justin Simmons and Kareem Jackson are the current first-team safeties, but during the OTAs open to the media, Jackson has become a cornerback when the Broncos use five defensive backs.

Can Su’a Cravens salvage his career? Can Jamal Carter make an impact after missing all of 2018? Can Will Parks keep the role he had for nearly all of last year? What about Dymonte and Shamarko Thomas?

“You look at guys like Will, Su’a, Jamal — all three of those guys are able to play the dime (linebacker)/safety, even sometimes move out to a little bit of nickel (at corner),” Simmons said.