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Behind the scenes of Allen Barbre’s “rollercoaster” ride to Denver

Related Topics: Allen Barbre, Isaac Seumalo

ENGLEWOOD, Colo. – “It’s been kind of a rollercoaster,” said new Broncos offensive lineman Allen Barbre with an endearing Missouri drawl, his exhausted eyes telling a different story than his upbeat tone.

On Wednesday, Barbre woke up still a member of the Philidelphia Eagles, though a bit unsure about his standing with the team. News had come out on Tuesday—before he even reported to camp—that second-year pro Isaac Seumalo would be Philidelphia’s starting left guard, the position he had occupied for multiple seasons.

Around 11 am, Barbre, got news that he was being cut. He began to shift his plans for the coming days and maybe months, but not even three hours later, the 11-year veteran found out that he had not been cut and, in fact, he had been traded to the Broncos.