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Megan Rapinoe — unafraid to do it her way, on and off the field — is the best of sports in 2019

The envelope, please, and there should be zero suspense — not now, nor when the calendar finally flips to 2020: Your 2019 Sportsperson of the Year is . . .

As if there could be any other choice. If you think someone else is more deserving, that person will have to, let’s see . . .

Tussle with the president of the United States while maintaining her dignity and her conviction; be tied as the top scorer in her sport’s signature event; be what amounts to the MVP of that tournament; battle injury with both gritted teeth and nonchalance; startlingly and sensibly take on her sport’s governing body on the eve of the most important game in four years; strike the championship-winning goal with a cool that simultaneously belied the moment and defined her performance; and leave us all wondering what she’ll say next.