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Colombia brought the noise in its stunning World Cup upset of Germany

Related Topics: Manuela Vanegas, FIFA World Cup

SYDNEY — The great booming sounds of South Americans beholding soccer relocated down the Australian East Coast from Brisbane to Sydney Sunday night, only this time they reached the kinds of delirious decibels only sports can make, the kind that go into ears and out from goose bumps.

The Brazilians in yellow shirts who made great noise Saturday night in Brisbane had given way to Colombians in yellow shirts making great noise in Sydney, but while the Brazilians had loved their team through a high-caliber, 2-1 loss to France in Group F of this loud World Cup, the Colombians adored their team through a high-caliber 2-1 upset of Germany in Group H, forged on Manuela Vanegas’s sudden and shocking header off a corner kick in the seventh minute of added time.