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Texas Head Coach Derek Laxdal Sees "Deep" Team as Camp Opens

The Texas Stars opened training camp this morning in Cedar Park with a roster of 26, composed of NHL, AHL and tryout players. Texas Stars head coach Derek Laxdal said the main word he would use to describe the team this year would be depth, and he means it at all positions.

Goaltending looks to be a strong suit with Bow and Oettinger expected as one and two even though both are still in Dallas. Defense is going to be deep with Laxdal calling it a "mature" backend with a lot of leadership. Having players like Hanley, Bayreuther, Heatherington and Scarlett all in the conversation along with some newcomers like Emil Djuse and Joe Cecconi means Texas should have one of the deepest and stoutest backends they've had in a while.