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Dallas Stars Daily Links: How the Stars' Wonder Finns Are Getting the Job Done in Goal

Kari and Antti have found a sturdy balance and a winning formula with the help of their new goalie coach. Plus, Sports Illustrated profiles Tyler Seguin, and the Eastern Conference is catching up with the West.

It's still possible to look at the Dallas Stars' 20-5-2 record and cock a skeptical eyebrow at how much the team is spending on netminding. It probably doesn't make you look as clever as it used to, though.

Mark Stepneski has written a great article on the key figures in the Stars' big 2015-16 turnaround in goaltending. Through conversations with Kari Lehtonen, Antti Niemi and goalie coach Jeff Reese, Stepneski shows that the Stars' successful goalie tandem is leading the league not just in wins, but in showing what's possible when a team thinks outside the box (or the trapezoid).