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Who’s who? Are Maxi Kleber and Luka Doncic really lookalikes?

Mistaken identities happen from time to time in the NBA, especially when autograph seekers aren’t sure who they are asking to sign for them.

But they aren’t supposed to happen with the frequency that they have to Mavericks’ big man Maxi Kleber.

Apparently, he’s Luka Doncic’s doppelganger — at least to some people.

It seems that he’s been identified as Doncic numerous times and it got particularly bothersome on the recent road trip to New York, Cleveland and Detroit.

Shooting coach Peter Patton witnessed several groups of people calling out Luka’s name when they would catch a glimpse of Kleber, who is a few inches taller than the rookie Doncic but does have some similar facial characteristics.