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The Mavericks are paying now for a decade’s worth of sins

It’s been a few years since I regularly wrote about sports, and likely about the same since I wrote for Mavs Moneyball itself. I was inspired to pick up my pen — quill, but from a dinosaur — because of a recent piece by Ben Zajdel: “The Myth of the well-run Mavericks is over.” Among the tensions of this season, I confess a certain relief, more than schadenfreude, over the fact that at least a large subsection of Mavericks fans are, finally, righteously pissed off at the front office.

There was a lot of triangle of trust, you know they have something up their sleeve, best front office in the business, nine-dimensional chess nonsense that somehow managed to paper over the fact, almost uniquely in all of sports, that this is a team that last won a playoff series in 2011, before most MMB columnists today were even born.