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Rumor Central: Mavericks want Ding Yanyuhang to play on Summer League team

According to The Dallas Morning News, the Dallas Mavericks are planning to sign Ding Yanyuhang in early July, so the swingman can play for their Summer League team.

Ding plays in the Chinese Basketball Association with the Shandong Golden Stars, and this season he won the MVP award for the league. In 39 CBA games, Ding averaged 23.2 points, 5.2 rebounds and 2.5 assists.

The Mavericks had five rookies on the roster this season as they are looking to develop young players, so having Ding join them in July makes sense. According to Eddie Sefko, president of basketball operations Donnie Nelson said the Mavericks might sign Ding, 23, to the new "Two-Way" rule, which allows NBA teams to have up to two more players on the roster who can go back-and-forth between the NBA and D-League.