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Mavs radio voice Chuck Cooperstein on what separates Luka Doncic's rookie season from Dak, Zeke, and other local stars

Dallas Mavericks play-by-play announcer Chuck Cooperstein joined ESPN Dallas 103.3 FM's JaM Session -- featuring Jean-Jacques Taylor and Matt McClearin -- on Monday to discuss Luka Doncic's season and whether or not it is the best rookie campaign ever assembled by a professional athlete in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Below are highlights, edited for clarity.

Cooperstein: Luka was phenomenal [vs. Toronto on Sunday]. It’s one thing to get triple doubles ... it’s really pretty hard to do. And when you do it against the caliber of defenses as Milwaukee and Toronto, as Doncic has done it this week, to me that just takes him onto an entirely different plane.