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Mavericks voice Chuck Cooperstein on his past, his future and what the event he wants to call

Between them, Eric Nadel, Brad Sham and Chuck Cooperstein have four score and three seasons of calling Rangers, Cowboys and Mavericks games on their resumes.

Their radio work schedules make it difficult, but not impossible, for the voices to get together. Along with former Stars play-by-play voice Ralph Strangis, they huddled last summer and raised more than $100,000 for charity at an inaugural event titled “Talk of The Town.”

Now the “Three Tenors” are returning for second schmoozefest charity auction and dinner July 16 at the La Cima Club in Las Colinas. Strangis, who had been a Stars broadcaster for the team’s first 22 seasons in town, was invited but declined because he thought it “inappropriate” for a retiree to participate.