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Mavericks’ shooting coach helped Finney-Smith reach 3-point glory with rebuilt shot

The NBA story of Dorian Finney-Smith could not have been written without the help of Peter Patton.

You’re first question might be: who?

Patton is the Mavericks’ shooting coach, an under-the-radar job that many people don’t even know exists.

Rest assured, it’s not underappreciated by the Mavericks, and especially Finney-Smith.

Patton is like a good mechanic. He fixes things that are broken. Sometimes, it’s just some fine-tuning.

In Finney-Smith’s case, it was a complete rebuild of his shot.

The finished product looks awesome. Finney-Smith is coming off an 18-point effort in the Game 1 victory over the Los Angeles Clippers.