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How Luka Doncic built the NBA's most dangerous isolation repertoire

God Shammgod springs to his feet in front of the Dallas Mavericks' bench, a big smile on his face, as he discusses one of his favorite subjects: dribbling.

Specifically, in this instance a couple of hours before an Oct. 7 home preseason game, Luka Doncic's dribbling.

Shammgod, a Mavericks player development coach who is so renowned for his ballhandling brilliance that a popular move is named after him, begins to demonstrate the simple base of Doncic's evolution into the league's leading isolation scorer.

Shammgod jabs with his right foot, rocks back to his left as if he might launch a jumper and then darts back to his right, putting the ball on the floor and mimicking a Doncic drive to the basket.