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Similar to Kawhi Leonard, Dallas Cowboys WR Amari Cooper lets his performance on the field speak for itself

It's difficult to compare Amari Cooper to another NFL player.

He's one of the league's most talented wide receivers, however, he isn't big on celebrating highlight plays and he doesn't complain about targets or getting a new contract.

The best comparison might actually be to a superstar in another sport.

When suggested Monday that there seem to be similarities between him and two-time NBA Finals MVP Kawhi Leonard, Cooper smiled. He's heard it before.

He then followed with a Leonard breakdown that in many ways describes himself.

"I don't know him personally, but from afar, he seems like the type of guy that just lets his game do the talking," Cooper said during a youth football camp appearance at The Hockaday School on behalf of Gatorade to promote staying hydrated during the summer months.