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Hail to the Hail Mary King: Roger or Rodgers?

Around these parts, no last-gasp, long-bomb "Hail Mary" touchdown pass may ever top Roger Staubach's 50-yarder to Drew Pearson on Dec. 28, 1975 that gave the Cowboys an improbable 17-14 Divisional playoff victory at Minnesota.

Unless, of course, the Cowboys someday pull off a more meaningful Hail Mary, like, for example, at the end of next month's Super Bowl in Houston.

Staubach-to-Pearson certainly wasn't the first famous long touchdown pass, and it certainly wasn't the last, but it was Staubach who unwittingly coined the term that is to this day used to describe such passes, when after that 1975 game at Met Stadium he told reporters: "I closed my eyes and said a Hail Mary.