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Dan Bailey wasn’t automatic for the Cowboys anymore which made his release possible

The Cowboys adding Dan Bailey’s name to their cuts list sent shock waves all over Cowboys social media. How could the Dallas Cowboys release the second-most accurate kicker in the history of the National Football League? Better yet, how could the release the most accurate kicker in the history of the Dallas Cowboys? The answer is because that accuracy that he’s so well-known for took some hits in the last two years:

Dan Bailey’s FG% dropped from 93.8% in 2015 (best season) to 84.4% in 2016, then dropped to 75% in 2017. That’s a sizable drop & maybe we were less worried about that than the #Cowboys FO #CowboysNation— u272dMichael Sisemoreu272d (@MrSisemore) September 1, 2018

Since the Cowboys found Dan Bailey back in 2011, he’s had some amazing moments.