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Cowboys Midsummer Madness, Round One: Ralph Neely vs. Jethro Pugh

As we head into the summer doldrums, BTB introduces its own form of March Madness to get you through the slow period until training camp: a 64-player "Best Cowboy of all time" tournament! Today’s first round match-up features seven seed Ralph Neely facing off against ten seed Jethro Pugh

Today's contest offers a bit of an unusual situation: a face-off between two players from the same era. In setting up the bracket, one goal was to distribute positions and players from the same teams as evenly as possible across the various regionals; its a testament to how deep the late 60s-70s Cowboys were that I had no choice but to have seventh ranked Ralph Neely, the most under-recognized of the great Cowboys offensive linemen, going against tenth-ranked Jethro Pugh, also unsung, since he played alongside both Bob Lilly and Randy White.