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Blue Jackets 5 Sharks 2 -- Quick Thoughts

The Blue Jackets dipped their toes in the Sharks' home waters and found them just fine, thanks.

It was a game for the Ohio night owls to take in, checking election results in between periods. Here are our tallies of the action in San Jose.


  • John Tortorella trotted out some new lines, with Dubinsky centering Jenner & Saad, Johansen between Calvert & Atkinson, Karlsson centering Foligno and Hartnell, and Campbell between Boll & Clarkson. (Wennberg out with lower body injury). Tyutin returned while Prout sat.
  • The Blue Jackets came out like banshees, skating fast and hard, but controlled, unlike the first period of the home opener vs.