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Kiszla vs. Groke: What National League team is the biggest threat to the Rockies’ playoff hopes?

Which National League team is the biggest threat to the Rockies’ playoff hopes?

Kiz: OK, that eight-game losing streak was either sobering … or enough to drive a Rockies fan to drink, with a here-we-swoon-again lament. Listen, I think 87 victories will get this team a wild-card berth, and playing .500 ball in the second half of the season gets that done. But should the Rockies be looking in the rearview mirror at a challenger sneaking up behind them?

Groke: This NL is bad, Kiz. Like burnt-kernels-at-the-bottom-of-a-popcorn-box bad. The only thing worse is the NBA’s Eastern Conference (holy cow, now THAT’S bad).