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Hochman: Trading Troy Tulowitzki is like benching Kate Hudson: It hurts so good

Kate Hudson.

The Rockies are Kate Hudson, the lovable actress who keeps churning out just unwatchable abominations — and yet dazed glory-days devotees still point back to that one good year.

Now, right away, I'm not being hard on Kate just because she and I had a tough breakup. I just think it's astounding if you look at the similarities here.

Hudson's equivalent to the 2007 World Series season was the year 2000 when she catapulted to sudden stardom with her Oscar-nominated work in "Almost Famous." That year she also appeared in "About Adam." Astoundingly, those are her only two films not categorized as "rotten" by Rotten Tomatoes, the movie-rating site based on critics' reviews.