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Colorado Rockies Runners on 1st…and 2nd Guesses: Bullpen changes are needed now

It has been a while since my last “Runners on 1st…and 2nd Guesses” so just as a reminder, this is where I take a critical eye and do some some in-depth complaining about the Colorado Rockies.

In doing so, hopefully this will stir some debate and if you agree/disagree, let us know in the comment section below or on social media.

I’ve said it before but I will say it again, Jairo Diaz and Jesus Tinoco should not be on a Major League roster at this time. Actually, unless your name is Wade Davis, Scott Oberg, or maybe even Carlos Estevez, everyone in the bullpen should be put on notice that every time you step on the mound, your job is in jeopardy.