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The Votes Are In: Ember Is Ralphie VI's Nickname

BOULDER — Ralphie VI, the University of Colorado's live buffalo mascot, will take on the nickname "Ember" as the result of a fan vote and fundraiser.

Voting began on May 27, Ralphie VI's second birthday, and ended on July 3 with 702 fans across 48 states casting a vote and in the process generating $24,964 to support the Ralphie program.

The nickname Ember won with 43.8 percent of donation dollars. Blitz was the runner up at 29.5 percent followed by Sixer (9.1%), and Tini (7.7%). The remaining 9.9 percent of the donations were unattached to a name and went directly to support Ralphie VI and the Ronda L.