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CU's Brittany Fan wins co-medalist honors at Meadow Club Women's Collegiate gold tourney

FAIRFAX, Calif. - University of Colorado golfer Brittany Fan shot a 1-over par 73 in the final round of the Meadow Club Women's Collegiate Tuesday, to tie for medalist honors.

Fan finished with a 67-73—140 or 4-under par final scorecard to tie for first place with Samantha Gong of San Francisco. This marks the senior's first career tournament win.

"It feels great to get first win," senior Brittany Fan said. "I wasn't quite as sharp as the first day, but there are a lot of positives to take from this tournament, to the next."

As a team, the Buffs shot 9-over par in the final round on Tuesday to post a 291-297—588 or 12-over par to finish in fourth place for the tournament held at the par 72, 6,157-yard Meadow Club.