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Morning Flurries: Hanzal is so hot right now, Luke Witkowski is not

Nothing like a good, healthy old-fashioned whine fest at the referees to get your name tossed on the NHL DOPS fine short list, eh?

Luke Witkowski had himself a night on Tuesday, when he got into it with two separate Dallas Stars players during Detroit’s 4-2 loss to their Central Division opponents.

His sucker-punch to Stars defenseman Stephen Johns earned him some ire, but he’s under fire for a completely different reason - apparently, he got too whiny in the post-game media scrums.

Following the loss, Witkowski apparently insinuated that one of the two on-ice officials presiding over the game was out to get him, complaining that they had unfairly tapped him with a penalty for elbowing Martin Hanzal.