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Cleveland Indians triples blot out the sun in 7-4 victory over Tigers

Indians pitchers faced Miguel Cabrera in two crucial situations and lived to tell the tale.

Indians improve to x-x


"Then we will lose in the shade." - Detroit Tigers, probably.

Unlike the brave Spartans who held the Hot Gates against the Persians at the Battle of Thermopylae in Zack Snyder's over-saturated film, 300, the Detroit Tigers were no match for the overpowering forces of the Cleveland Indians. In-between slaughtering Tiger pitching, the Tribe carried their flashy -- and ultimately confusing -- leader, Danny Salazar, to victory.

[I've already taken this 300 reference way too far, but if anyone in this analogy would be super-awesome Immortals, it was definitely Jose Ramirez who started the barrage of triples in the fourth inning.