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The First Big Prediction for the Cavs-Raptors Series Is In – And It May Surprise You

It wasn’t even five minutes after the Cavs finally finished off the pesky Indiana Pacers 105-101 at the Q that that one of the loudest mouths in off of media was quickly typing out his prediction for the next round between the Cavaliers and top seed in the East – the Toronto Raptors.

The Cavs will sweep the Raptors.

— Skip Bayless (@RealSkipBayless) April 29, 2018

Yes, the same Skip Bayless who over the years seems to take shots whenever he can at the Cavs, LeBron James or anything related to Cleveland, has changed his tune to the point where he sees the Cavs taking care of business, in just four games, against the #1 seed in the East.