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Live Thread: Cavs vs. Kings (#HelloStranger)

As Todd Rundgren once famously sang… Hello, it’s me…

I know it’s been a while since I’ve been around… and lots of things have transpired in the nearly two months since. The Cavs, for instance, were still basking in the glow of back-to-back wins over the newly anointed future-champs of the Eastern Conference Brooklyn Nets the last time I checked in to see what was happening.

So, yeah… a lot has changed.

It certainly helped to get a one-stop primer on at least the things that have happened to the team since the All-Star Break, thanks to Nate’s block-cap the other day, and that didn’t even include the odd victory over the plummeting Raptors last night (how do you turn the ball over 27 times and still win by double-digits?