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Cavs reportedly seeing Dan Gilbert over the weekend seemed to be huge for both sides

The Cleveland Cavaliers are a team that’s likely in for a season filled with a bunch of losses in 2019-20, considering they are going to be playing a considerable amount of young players big minutes, and with them having a roster with several expiring veterans, their roster turnover throughout the year could very well be significant.

The team understanding that they need to be primarily focused on their rebuild is the right outlook, though.

Plus, it’s an added positive that Cavs owner, Dan Gilbert, who is progressing along in his recovery from a reported stroke back in May, is more than willing to help the Cavaliers accelerate their rebuild by giving the organization the green light to take back bad contract money in potential trades of expiring veterans throughout next season in order for Cleveland to have additional future draft picks, such as how they did throughout the 2018-19 season.