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Cavs' Front Office Mistakes Pushing LeBron and Co. to Breaking Point

CLEVELAND — To borrow from the late, great Kurt Vonnegut, the excrement hit the air conditioning in Cleveland over the past week. Big time.

Confusion and frustration have swirled around a Cavaliers team that has lost 10 of 15 games since Christmas, with Isaiah Thomas hopelessly struggling to fill the void left by what looks like a disastrous decision to trade Kyrie Irving to the Celtics.

Grievances have been aired, privately and publicly, and most notably in a now-infamous team meeting that started with Thomas questioning why Kevin Love left the floor three minutes into a blowout loss to Oklahoma City and devolved into a full-blown finger-pointing session in which no one—from Tyronn Lue to neophyte general manager Koby Altman to LeBron James—was spared.