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Cavaliers Academy Youth Basketball Program Partners with Positive Coaching Alliance to Benefit Youth Athletes

October 29, 2019, CLEVELAND, OH – The Cleveland Cavaliers have established a new partnership with Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA), a national non-profit movement developing “Better Athletes, Better People” by working to provide all youth and high school athletes a positive, character-building sports experience.

The partnership provides the Cavaliers Academy youth basketball coaches with access to PCA’s training for coaches, sports parents, student-athletes and administrators through live group workshops, online courses, books by PCA Founder Jim Thompson and additional online resources.

PCA has partnered with roughly 3,500 schools, districts, conferences, youth sports organizations and park-and-rec departments to create a Development ZoneTM culture, where the goal is using youth and high school sports to develop stronger social-emotional learning and leadership and reasoning developmental opportunities.