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Which Browns Quarterback Will Help the Offense More in Fantasy Football?

Listening to the “90’s Pop” station on Pandora Music is like walking through the hallowed halls of the One-Hit-Wonder Hall of Fame. No one is going to mistake the stylings of Semisonic for classical artistry, The Proclaimers for lyrical masterwork, or OMC for high-brow social critique. But they each have become timeless in their own way: “Closing Time”, “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)”, and “How Bizarre” are burned into the collective consciousness of anyone born before 1995.

Another single-shot superstar, the rap artist Black Sheep -- who previously worked with bigger hits De La Soul and A Tribe Called Quest -- put out a 1991 single called “The Choice is Yours”, whose hook goes, “You can get with this, or you can get with that/ I think you'll get with this, ‘cause this is where it's at.