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Non-starters: new Browns QBs who didn't even make the jersey

Most sentient football fans by now have seen some version of the Browns jersey featuring the league's longest list of starting quarterbacks since 1999 -- a total of 22 names to date. But even longer than is the list of Browns quarterbacks who didn't get even a single start, at least not yet.

This litany of camp fodder, benchwarmers, and late-season emergency options now numbers 25, though when the second McCown in Browns QB history takes the field in Game 1, the balance between starters and non-starters will narrow to 23 to 24.

  1. Mike Cook 1999
  2. John Dutton 1999
  3. Jamie Martin 1999
  4. Tony Graziani 2000
  5. Jeff Brohm 2000
  6. Kevin Thompson 2000-02
  7. Josh Booty 2001
  8. Shane Stafford 2002
  9. Pat Barnes 2003
  10. Nate Hybl 2003-04
  11. Todd Husak 2004
  12. Josh Harris 2004-05
  13. Lang Campbell 2005-06
  14. Doug Johnson 2005
  15. Dustin Almond 2006
  16. Richard Bartel 2009
  17. Brett Ratliff 2009-10
  18. Josh Johnson 2012
  19. Alex Tanney 2013
  20. Caleb Hanie 2013
  21. Tyler Thigpen 2014
  22. Rex Grossman 2014
  23. Vince Young 2014
  24. Josh McCown 2015
  25. Pat Devlin 2015

Note: Graham Harrell participated in rookie minicamps in both 2009 and 2010 on a tryout basis but was not signed.