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ESPN experts believe Browns’ short-term future is bleak

The national NFL media has never much been optimistic about the Cleveland Browns’ short- or long-term prospects and it appears things have not changed. A trio of ESPN experts, tasked “[t]o project which NFL franchises are in the best shape for the next three seasons,” and thus to (power) rank them accordingly, have a bleak perspective of where the Browns are headed.

The numerical grades are compiled across five categories—Roster, Quarterback, Coaching, Draft and Front Office—and are on the following scale:

100: A+ (Elite)

90: A (Great)

80: B (Very good)

70: C (Average)

60: D (Very bad)

50: F (Disastrous)

40: F- (The worst thing imaginable

The good news is that the Browns came in with an overall score of 70.