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Cleveland Browns: Forgetting the unforgettable

I confess, mea culpa – I messed up my last DawgPound Daily post big time. Can’t the site afford a fact checker? (Editor’s note: the bosses won’t pay for union editors.)

In my “look on the bright side” ode to Robert Griffin III, I reported Griffin would join David Mays and Jason Campbell as the only Afro-American Cleveland Browns’ quarterbacks, totally forgetting about not just one but two other starters: Seneca Wallace and Spergon Wynn.

It was easy to overlook Wallace. Registering one win and seven losses as a starter for the Browns over the 2010-11 seasons, Seneca was a Seattle Seahawks’ cast-off emblematic of czar Mike Holmgren’s “if I was sleepless in Seattle I was comatose in Cleveland” telecommuting stint.