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The irresistible force vs. the immovable object: Herbstreigt weighs in

What happens when the irresistible force meets the immovable object?

The Irresistible force paradox has led to disagreements for decades, but what happens Monday night when the Irresistible force (Clemson’s offense) meets the immovable object? Well, something has to give, as ESPN analyst Kirk Herbstreit knows.

Herbstreit will call Monday’s National Championship Game between Clemson and Alabama, along with play-by-play announcer Chris Fowler. Thursday, the duo answered questions about the matchup and what Clemson has to do to move Alabama’s defense.

“Number one, there's so many things there. Clemson's offense has an ability, because of the system and the quarterback, to score on anybody that they play, providing that Deshaun (Watson) is kind of on.