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Disney movie to film at Clemson-Charlotte game

Do you remember Ray Ray McElrathbey?

If you are a Clemson football fan, you should. If you don’t then you will soon see his story in a new Disney movie that will begin production on Sunday.

McElrathbey is a former Clemson football player, who played for the Tigers from 2006-’07. But he was never famous for what he did on the field at Death Valley. Instead he received notoriety for his unselfish sacrifice to become the legal guarding of his then 11-year old little brother, Fahmarr.

The name of the movie will be “Safety” and is based on the life of McElrathbey and how he took on the custody of Fahmarr and kept him out of social services when his mother went into drug rehab and there was no father in the picture.