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Clemson’s big winners, surprises from its ‘BIG Weigh-In’

Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney was very interested in what weight starting left tackle Jackson Carman would report to camp with when the Tigers’ had their “BIG Weigh-In” Thursday at the Allen Reeves Football Complex in Clemson.

Swinney said a few weeks back he was hoping Jackson would be around 340 pounds when camp opened. The sophomore did better than that.

Jackson weighed in at 335 pounds, 20 pounds less than his recorded weight of 335 in the spring. The 6-foot-5 left tackle was the biggest mover on the scale during Thursday’s weigh-in.

Jackson’s offensive line mate, center Sean Pollard, reported at 302 pounds, losing 18 pounds from his 320 pounds during spring practice.