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What the Votto Said

Related Topics: Joey Votto, The Waste Land

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The following is adapted from a portion of “The Waste Land” by T.S. Eliot. Specifically, the beginning of section V, which is titled “What the Thunder Said.” It’s just for fun.

V. What the Votto said

After the helmet red on sweaty faces
After the frosty silence at the call
After the agony of a false strike
The shouting and the crying
Prison of the dugout, ballpark reverberation
Of screams at the umpire over blown calls
He who was batting should be walking
With all his patience

Here are no hits or even walks
No walks and no runs and the empty field
The field in the city near the river
That is field with no walks or hits
Near the river one cannot stop and drink
If there were game we could stop and think
Sweat is dry and now feet march down the line.