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The Case for Continuing Patience with Billy Hamilton

Through 2,220 innings, 1,087 plate appearances and 279 games played, there is enough information to formulate a trio of proclamations about Billy Hamilton, Cincinnati Reds center fielder:

*Billy Hamilton is a sublime defender.

*Billy Hamilton is an elite, perceptive base runner.

*Billy Hamilton is one of the worst hitters in the major leagues.

In an abstract sense, it’s quite striking that a player with so little time in the big leagues can offer two clear strengths and one explicit weakness. Let’s examine the three proclamations separately:

Billy Hamilton is a sublime defender

Hamilton, who began his pro career with the Reds as an 18-year-old after Cincinnati took him in the second round of the 2009 draft, spurned an offer to play football and baseball at Mississippi State in favor of taking up pro baseball.