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Remembering the 1968 Reds: Jumpin’ Jack Flash — Reds get hot in ’68 | John Ring

Editor: This is the sixth installment of a season-long series by our resident Reds historian, John Ring. The series will examine the 50th anniversary of the 1968 Cincinnati Reds, a team on the brink (of huge success) playing during a year that it seemed the world was on the brink. Enjoy!

Part 1: Remembering 007’s Reds: a 50 Year Celebration
Part 2: King’s assassination delays 1968 Opening Day
Part 3: The Reds’ Raging Bull: Alex Johnson
Part 4: Another assassination, another baseball crisis
Part 5: The Battle for Rookie of the Year

On July 16, 1968, the Cincinnati Reds lost to the Los Angeles Dodgers by a 9-2 score.