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Reds vs. Marlins–September 20, 2018

After a 2-4 start to the last road trip of the season, the Reds (65-88) look to finish strong in Miami. First pitch is at 7:10 ET.

The Marlins (59-92) currently sit in last place in the NL East, traded all of the star players, and are struggling to average 10,000 fans a game–their average attendance is nearly 5,000 less than Tampa Bay’s average attendance. Unlike the Reds who look to be on the cusp of being good again (if they add pitching), the Marlins have a long way to go in their rebuild. Despite that, the Marlins own a 2-1 record against the Reds this season; that series was, however, in the early part of May and at the tail end of their April swoon.