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Paul Daugherty: After 150 years, you've got to see Opening Day to believe it

As Enquirer columnist Paul Daugherty writes, "We didn't invent the day. It just seems like we did. After six months of cold and clouds and darkness at five o'clock, who would not be utterly and entirely ready for the light of Opening Day?" The Enquirer/Paul Daugherty, Carrie Cochran, Meg Vogel, Cara Owsley

Three months ago, while suffering from the spacious potholes and end-game grayness of winter, I made a trip to Spring Grove Cemetery to talk to Charlie Gould. You might not know Charlie, or even remember him. That’s OK. Charlie’s 171 years old.

He was the first baseman for the 1869 Red Stockings, now celebrating their 150th anniversary as baseball’s first professional team.