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History Repeats Itself: On Dusty Finishes, Walkoffs and Insanity

I’ll have more to say about the Reds’ annual visit to Southern California in a few days, but for now, a few words about last night’s walkoff loss. (As I got home after 11 p.m. and will leave for today’s game at 11 a.m., please excuse any first-draft typos, mixed metaphors or general illogic.)

In the summer of his rookie season of 2013, Tony Cingrani – who was then being used as a starter – threw the best-pitched game I’ve ever seen in person. At the time, the Dodgers were in the midst of an historic 46-10 hot streak, but Cingrani managed to keep their bats in check over seven shutout innings, during which he struck out 11 while yielding one hit and one walk.