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Heart & Hustle: Ryle softball's Maclai Branson makes her own luck through skill, hard work

Ryle High School senior softball player Maclai Branson is featured in the week's Heart & Hustle. Cincinnati Enquirer

UNION - It's becoming a bit of a routine in Ryle Raider land that when one of the softball players gets a hit, everyone looks for a leprechaun.

If someone hits a double or triple, either seniors Morgan Smith or Maclai Branson will yell from the dugout, "If ya'll see a leprechaun, say 'yeah!,'" and all the girls raise their hands in the air.

This team-bonding silliness has made leprechauns the theme of the 2018 softball season, courtesy of an old video on YouTube where broadcasters are reporting leprechaun sightings.